Monday, February 23, 2015

Atrocious Cancer Assault: China's Cancer Incidence & Mortality Rates Top the World, Yet Countering Efforts Frail

China's economy is rising, as well as cancer incidence and mortality rates

According to the World Cancer Report 2008, 1/5 of newly diagnosed cancer cases worldwide, about 3.07 millions; and 1/4 cancer death, about 2.2 millions was estimated from China in 2012.

In 2020,  4 million newly diagnosed cancer cases will be from China, and in 2030 it will be 5 million; in 2020, 3 million people will die of cancer, in 2030 it will be 3.5 million.

In the last 30 years, 96% more people died of breast cancer, and 465% more people died of lung cancer, according to the data from The 3rd National MortalitySurvey held by Ministry of Health of China in 2006.

Cancer incidence
Cancer mortality
Rectal colon
Rectal colon

From around 1995,  lung cancer became the No. 1 cancer in China, and it keeps 4.45% annual growth rate since then, said Prof. Yang Gonghuan, the vice chair of China CDC.

The battles lost, without fight at all in some places

In lots of rural residents' mind, cancer is an incurable disease, as well as to some city dwellers.

What makes it worse, majority of patients were in advanced stage when they seek medical attentions.

For example, even in Beijing, the Capital of China, above 80% lung cancer patients were in advanced stage when they were diagnosed.  

In big cancer hospitals of capital cities, such as in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhengjiang and Henan, cancer patients need to wait for long time to have surgeries.  

Every week, 700 patients are in the waiting list to get in Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Beijing to get treated.

A war to cancer should be declared, now

44 years ago, then American President Nixon signed "National Cancer Act of 1971" was appraised as declaring war to cancer, which has helped to collaborate efforts to the reduction of cancer incidence and mortality in U.S. at present.

"It's time for China to declare war to cancer", quoted from Prof. Ji JiaFu, president of Cancer Hospital affiliated to Peking University.

"China is facing a war to cancer," said earlier Prof. Chen Zhu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Science, vice chairman of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Some summarized suggestions from Profs Ji JiaFu, Zhi XiuYi and Wang MingRong :

·"Big Health" concept, more funding and engagement from different levels of government.
· National, provincial and local cancer registry systems should be set up for quality cancer data.
· More anticancer drugs should be included into insurance coverage.
· Charity organizations and events should be introduced into cancer prevention and care.
· Domestic cancer drug research and development should be enhanced.
· Specialized cancer prevention and early detection centers should be established.
· More education program should be designed for community primary care physicians.   

Gu RuiZhen et al. "Atrocious Cancer--China Cancer Status Quo Investigation" Feb. 3, 2015 Web, Feb. 23, 2015

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